About Jo
Jo Donaldson is currently experimenting with writing in different genres and recently released a short book of poetry and prose "Mountain Musings." She also recently completed a young adult novel Storm on Savage Mountain. She has three entries in the anthology, That One Left Shoe. Also, another of her short stories was chosen for the 2012 edition of Ginseng, the literary publication of the Garrett County Arts Council.
Jo was a staff writer for the Cumberland Times-News, winning several awards from the MDDC Press Association and two first place awards from Associated Press. She also won first place for her article in the national SailAmerica contest. As Public Affairs Officer for the Garrett County Chamber of Commerce and Press Officer for Garrett College, she wrote press releases for newspapers and magazines. Jo is a graduate of McDaniel College. She previously wrote for the Carroll County Times, Hanover Evening Sun and magazines, including aviation's "Pilot's Preflight."
Jo writes a blog about reading, writing and other creative thoughts, JosObservations. She is a member of Maryland Writers Association and Vice President of the Carroll County chapter.